Support FAQs
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Frequently Asked Questions about BoxWorks Technologies, Inc. Product Software Support

Is 24-hour support available? If not, then what is the schedule for support?
Yes, 24-hour support is available. ...
How is your support structure setup?
BoxWorks Customer Support consists of two levels of support, the ...
Who should the client call for support? Do we have to provide a first level of support?
BoxWorks recommends that a client designates a limited number of ...
What are the priority of calls and how are they handled?
Support calls are prioritized by level of ...
What is the escalation procedure for support problems?
Your Support Engineer provides the initial response to system issues ...
How long does an engineer work on an issue before it is escalated?
An engineer works on a critical issue such as a ...
What type of calls are answered by your Help Desk?
Typical calls involve product usage problems, operator errors, data problems, ...
Who is the contact person who will resolve issues that occur?
A toll free number ...
What information can you provide us with which will allow us to support the system?
We provide each client with a set of product documentation. ...
Is there training available for the Help Desk area? What does it contain and how will it be applied to Help Desk?
BoxWorks provides comprehensive product training which ranges from end user ...
What are your expectations from the client in terms of support?
BoxWorks recommends that each client have their in-house experts and ...
Is your support staff trained on your products or the vendor’s products?
Yes, the Customer Support engineers all attend a series of ...
Does BoxWorks provide hardware support? If not, what is your role or involvement with a hardware problem?
BoxWorks can provide hardware support if the client desires. ...
What is the advantage of seeking hardware support from BoxWorks?
By having BoxWorks serve as the single point of contact ...
How many engineers do you have on your staff?
BoxWorks has 13 Customer Support and Development engineers located in ...
How much experience do the engineers have?
Most engineers have a B.S. degree in a technical discipline ...
What is your average response time?
The Level 1 response time during regular business hours is ...
What do the engineers do besides fielding calls?
When our engineers are not directly resolving an issue for ...
What’s the preferred method of contacting support and get resolution to problems?
To assist BoxWorks engineers to understand and resolve an issue ...